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Cit ships with many useful commands. See the customization page for how to easily add your own.


Command Description
cit scaffold python my-pkg "Description of My package" Scaffold a Python package
cit scaffold typescript my-ts-pkg Scaffold a TypeScript package
cit scaffold react my-spa Scaffold a React x Vite x ChakraUI SPA
cit scaffold next my-next-app Scaffold a Next.js x Tailwind app
cit scaffold capacitor my-cap-app Scaffold a Capacitor x React x Vite app

Running scripts, service, containers, etc.

Command Description
cit run postgres Run a PostgreSQL container
cit kill postgres Kill the PostgreSQL container
cit run redis Run a Redis container
cit kill redis Kill the Redis container
cit run rabbitmq Run a RabbitMQ container
cit kill rabbitmq Kill the RabbitMQ container

Opening repositories

Command Description
cit open cit Open the cit repository
cit open <my-repo> You can customize this!

Now, let's customize it!